DRX is Valorant’s best Pacific team, says head coach Termi

Korean powerhouse DRX will return to the worldwide phase as a single of the favored groups at VCT Lock In.

The past time we noticed them was when they exorcised their LAN demons at Valorant Champions 2022, wherever they completed in 3rd location. For the duration of the Valorant globe championship match previous year, DRX identified themselves finishing in 5th to 6th location at Masters Reykjavik and Masters Copenhagen.

Mentor Seon-ho “termi” Pyeon specific how they prepare on achieving new heights in 2023 as the greatest Valorant crew in the Pacific location in an exclusive interview with 1 Esports.

DRX termi says they are nevertheless above the competitors in the Pacific location

Credit: Riot Games

When requested about their standing in the Pacific area, DRX’s head mentor confidently claimed, “I believe we are the strongest crew out in this article.”

They won both VCT Korea Challengers tournaments which attained them a location in all the intercontinental LAN events previous year. If you increase in their accomplishments from their times enjoying below the Eyesight Strikers banner, they are certainly the most achieved Valorant team from Asia.

They really don’t have any major rivals in the Pacific location, according to termi, and the only staff they experienced their sights established on was the former OpTic Gaming roster.

“I do believe we had a little bit of rivalry with NA’s OpTic, but they are no extended collectively,” he claimed. “Personally, I am a very little sad that we could not defeat them at least as soon as when we experienced the time.”

DRX virtually defeated OpTic Gaming at Valorant Champions last year. However, they lost a near 3-2 collection to the prime North American squad.

The Korean squad’s head mentor then turned his consideration to Riot Games’ “win or go home” format for

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