PUMA Companions up With Earth Chess Champion Magnus Carlsen and the Champions Chess Tour | Location

HERZOGENAURACH, Germany–(Small business WIRE)–Feb 21, 2022–

Sports activities business PUMA has signed a long-phrase agreement with Norwegian Chess Grandmaster Magnus Carlsen and with the Meltwater Champions Chess Tour. Via the partnership with Magnus and the Tour, PUMA will join the world of chess with the environment of activity overall performance by building participating information and activations for chess followers close to the planet.

This press launch capabilities multimedia. Check out the entire launch right here: https://www.businesswire.com/news/property/20220221005013/en/

Athletics enterprise PUMA has signed a lengthy-phrase agreement with Norwegian Chess Grandmaster Magnus Carlsen. (Photo: Organization Wire)

Carlsen, a five-time Earth Chess Winner, is an avid sports activities supporter and a pure healthy for PUMA. At just 13 years of age, he turned the youngest Grandmaster at the time and received his to start with Entire world Chess Championship in 2013. In 2014, he became the optimum-rated player in background.

“We generally consider of athletics as staying actual physical, but you also have to have mental energy,” said PUMA CEO Bjørn Gulden. “Few people embody that spirit like Magnus, who is extensively regarded as the finest chess player of all time. We are very pleased that he has come to be a section of the PUMA Relatives.”

As aspect of the settlement, the company will also assistance the Meltwater Champions Chess Tour, which is managed by the Engage in Magnus Team, a firm started by Carlsen. The Tour is the most popular circuit in the chess calendar and reaches tens of millions of fans around the globe via its innovate presentation of chess as a spectator activity.

“Being aspect of a wonderful firm these kinds of as PUMA and becoming a member of so lots of persons that I personally admire, is specific to me. As a chess player, I am a substantial lover

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